Pitch one was awesome, proper good axe placements. The second was rather wet and had some holes in it which was slightly disconcerting and meant there was no gear but wa
Then came a very short steep section and then an easy slope up to the bottom of the crux icefall. Luckily this pitch was still quite fat if thawing, so up I scooted and managed to get a few screws and some rock gear in before topping out onto another snow slope and a split in the gully.
Catrin headed off and round to the right and out of sight. All a bit snow free but super frozen turf so we made it out the top of the route and then headed off and down into the bottom of Coire nam Beith. Probably wouldn't be wanting to do this route tomorrow so pretty happy to have snatched this one before it disappears for the winter.
The normal gorge that you walk down is COMPLETELY filled with avalanche debris snow, so no need to hop back and too across the stream at the moment just wander down nice soft snow.
We even made it down to Fort William in time for hot chocolate and cake - after which I felt a bit sick - way too much sugar!!!
Thanks Catrin for the photos.
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